black satin blackberry.jpgChester Blackberry

Considered the most winter hardy and hornless cultivar. Produces huge glossy sweet berries. Ripens August- September.

Photo Courtesy of Lindenlanefarms
Zone 5
Height can reach up to 6ft

apache blackberry.jpgApache Blackberry

N/A 2024

Extra large, sweet, juicy, and flavourful berries. Great for eating fresh, cooking, or preserving. Ripens mid to late June.

Photo courtesy of
Zone 5
Height up to 1.8m (6ft)

Triple_Crown_Blackberry_600x600_bc9f9ec8-cc7c-42a8-abf5-eb7b9389c42c_grande.jpgTriple Crown Blackberry


Thornless blackberry that is a vigorous grower, producing large, glossy black, firm fruit. A tasty blend of sweet and tart, these berries are excellent for pies and baking.

Photo courtesy of
Zone 5
Height up to 1.5m (5ft)